
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

More Fun than a Barrel Full of Monkeys

Christmas Fun!
This has been a big month for Rayler! He's decided to try a whole bunch of new things all at once.
Thing One: He's decided that when he stands on our belly's he might as well walk right on up and try to stand on our face.

Carrot Lover! That makes Daddy so happy!
Thing Two: Rice cereal, squash, carrots and sweet potatoes are new favorites. He smacks his lips and reaches excitedly for the spoon when I try to feed him. He does a good job of getting most of it in his mouth and down to his tummy. Although one day he sneezed mid-bite and ended up with cereal all over his face. (And the couch) I laughed till I cried over his surprised expression.
Thing Three: One day I busted out the robo-bug and track that Grandma Bobbie got for him. He loved it! I decided to see if he would sit up on his own to watch it. He did! For the first time he sat without falling over for about ten minutes! Of course when I grabbed my phone to video it he got tired and fell over.
He's liking the sideways thing lately
Thing Four: He graduated from his bassinet in our room to the crib in his room! We finally got the window in his room wrapped so the cold air doesn't come in. Yay! And now that he has room to move around he moves all over his crib. I'll lay him down for his nap at one end of the crib and when I go to get him he's at the opposite end and turned sideways.
I've been looking back at old photos and I'm just floored by how much he's grown!


8/1/11 First picture ever!

First family photo

My first time holding him

8/2/11 One day old

8/3/11 You can see his orange mask from wearing  his  bili-goggles
NICU photos

8/10/11 First bath at home

8/28/11 Rayler meets his cousins Hannah, Dylan and Madison

8/28/11 First church day!

9/15/11 First tummy time. See his "mullet"


10/5/11 Meet Mr. Engelbert

10/7/11 Giving Momma kisses!


11/25/11 Such a little football fan!



12/11/11 One year ago today we found out that we were pregnant!
12/26/11 Wrestling with Eddington Pig
 Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, wishing you all a very happy New Year!
P.S. Remember that God is BIG, don't settle for little.