Happy 23 weeks birthday! |
We started this week out with a visit to the pediatrician. He had been congested for a week and I was worried that he might be getting worse. False alarm! Just a little cold. But we did have to take some preventative measures.
Put a blanket under his mattress so his head would be elevated |
We also did warm baths, baby Vicks, a humidifier and the lovely nose sucker that he hates so much. For being under the weather he is incredibly happy all the time.
He has gotten so big! They measured him when we went to the Dr. and he weighs 17 lbs. 11 oz. now and is 27 inches long! I decided that it was time to make him a growth chart.
Thank you Pinterest! |
About mid-week he decide to start skipping his mid-afternoon nap. Soon after when he did nap and I went to get him out of his crib after he woke up I began finding this...
He rolls over (from belly to back) when he wakes up and quietly talks to himself until I arrive. |
Every other day or so I have to make up his bottles. I let him watch Baby Einstein while I work on that.
Playing with his toes |
We have had such success with orange veggies that I decided to let him try green beans. THAT was an experience!
Unsuspecting victim... |
Mom, why are you taking pictures? |
Um, Mom, that doesn't taste orange... |
I don't think I like this Momma! |
So green beans where not a hit the first time. Although I did get him to laugh about it...
The second time around with green beans he tried the you-can't-get-the-spoonful-of-gooey-green-stuff-past-my-clamped-gums bit. But I did. And the third time he ate them with no complaints and by the last few spoonfuls was happily saying "Mmmmmm".
We also had to go up to size 3 diapers this weeks! One morning and the next naptime I found his bed soaked so up a size we went. Solved that problem.
I read a note this week on what baby should be doing in the fifth month. "By the end of this month your baby may be able to grasp a toy or small object and bring it to his or her mouth." That made me laugh. Rayler has been doing that for, well, quite a while now. He's so good at it that he can actually pull some of his toys off the makeshift gym I made for him. Usually it's Rusty the Monkey. He's even managed to unhook some of his links a couple of times!
We also started trying out a sippy cup this week.
And here are some random photos from this week.
Knuckle dimples |
Elbow dimples |
He has my cowlick |
The piggies are makin a break for it |
Love waking up to this darling face! |
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