This picture totally cracks me up. I guess it's just a weird camera angle that makes him look so, weird. |
Friday was Bugs's 10th monthday. It seems like every single day I fall more and more in love with him. Sometimes it gets a little overwhelming, my heart feels like its going to explode from being so full. So I decided that it's time for me to write a "favorite things" post. Now, I could go on and on and on, to infinity and beyond, about all the things that are my favorite about him, pretty much everything, but I'll keep it to a few. And I'll post some of my favorite pictures so far.
1/12/11 10 weeks |
I've got to get more pictures of this, but I think Bugs is part monkey. He uses his feet as hands all the time. Sometimes he holds his bottle with his feet. He picks up toys with his feet. It just totally cracks me up.
Now that Rayler actually has a tooth he has taken to chewing vigorously on his pacifier. He still has the two that he came home from the hospital with, and he has a few Gumdrops too. He sticks his finger into the nipple and chews away. Sometime he will have one on each hand and chews on one for a minute and the switches to the other. Back and forth.
You can't really see them all, but he has ALL of his pacifiers here. |
adores balls. Footballs, basketballs, baseballs, bowling balls, bouncy balls, sponge balls, as long as it is ball-ish he loves it. He even takes over the empty milk jugs I throw away because he can roll them around the kitchen. When we went to the lake the first part of this week, the big kids popped his blue ball right off the bat, so we had to make a trip to Wally especially to pick out a new ball. He chose a blue one, again.
I LOVE his tooth! His smile is just too stinkin' cute now, with his one little tooth poking out. I just can't get over the adorableness of him.
Mommmmmyyyy! I don't want to show you my tooth! |
Finally! A good picture! |
I love the way Rayler loves being outside. When we went to the lake this week we spent A LOT of time outside. Bugs just couldn't wipe the huge grin off his face. And Grandma has trees, something that our postage stamp yard is sadly lacking. Rayler would stand by my chair, throw his head back and look and look with all his might at the tree until I thought for sure that his round eyes would fall out of his cute head.
If I remember correctly, Rayler gets this next trait from me. He does this thing with his big toes that is so cute. I seem to remember doing it myself when I was little. For all I know, I may still do it and just not know it.
Bugs used to give me kisses anytime I asked for one. But now he's much more selective. Sometimes he will give me a kiss just before I lay him down for his naps or at nighttime. But my favorite of all are the random kisses. When he comes to me and holds up his little arms, and I pick him up and then he surprises me with a quick kiss. Baby kisses are the bomb.
A fairly new favorite of mine is when Bugs is tired and wants to go to bed. He'll come to me, wherever I am, and pat my leg softly until I pick him up and take him to bed. When he is that tired he pitches head first out of my arms into the bed and is sometimes asleep before his head hits the mattress. But usually he will roll onto his side first and wait for me to cover him with a blanket. Then he rolls over onto his belly, pulling the blanket with him so that he is laying on top of a wad of blanket. Silly boy.
loves animals. As long as they are moving around and he can see them he is entertained. And entertaining. He keeps us laughing at him laughing at them. He isn't scared of dogs at all, especially barking dogs. He just laughs and laughs. He really likes to watch fish swimming around. At the zoo he was very interested in the giraffes, who almost ate his toes, and the elephants, who were having a bath. When we're outside and he spots a bird his mouth goes into a perfect "o" and he looks at me as if he were asking "what is that Mom?"
I love watching the cogs turn in his head. He'll stand beside a chair, or the coffee table and just watch us walking back and forth. He'll get one of his feet going, like he's seriously considering walking himself. He's so close he can taste it.
Most of all, I think my favorite is the smile I get when he first sees me after he wakes up. I told him today that I hope he always is that happy to see me. I'm sure some day he won't be, so I savor every single smile I can at this time. I don't think I'll ever get enough.
I *know* that my Mom has a picture of me around this age with this exact same expression on my face. |
Couldn't you just eat him up? |
This photo is both swoon worthy and drool worthy. I am seriously one lucky gal. |
Mommy, I will *not* make a kissy face for you. |
Pay uh'tenshon Tootles! |
Ok, this is still my fav outfit of all time. |
You say whuuuutt? |
Me 'dorable dino. Say Rawwrrrr. |
*This* is the face that makes me a morning person. |
First bath at home! |
Good gracious! He has changed SO much! |
Cousin Dylan holding Rayler for the first time. |
Wow. Now he hangs over my shoulder and his feet dangle past my waist. |
I fink I shall haf hoof de'Georgio for luncheon, Mumsie dearest. |
♪Trrrust in meeeee, just in meeeee....♪ |
I yik skash Momma! |
Look at that chubby face! So darn stinkin' cute! |
Gorgeous baby blues! |
...then tuck your abs in and... |
Dis is fun!!!! You should try it Mama! |
Arg! You are efil and I shall eats you all up. |
Hm. Nope. No snacks in here either. |
Did I mention that I ADORE having a little someone to do fun things with? I do. Indeed. Indeed I do. Most assuredly. |
You want a taste? |
RaWr. |
Just because you never know when there might be a sudden rain shower *inside* the bay. |
Hidin' from the 'razzi dude. |
I get it Mama! |
One fish, two fish, orange fish...oh wait. |
Tootles: It's ok man. I got your back. |
Rayler: Humph. Dada never lets me help. |
5:30 am is for the birds! |
Seriously Mom? You try being happy in a whale suit. |
All this sitting has me worn out. |
Is it mine for keeps? |
Supa Mumzie powers. Camera in one hand, cliff diving baby in the other. No worries. |
I'd like a hot dog, and some watermelon and some yogurt please. |
Don't mind me. Classic photo bombing. |
Uh, what exactly is it that I am supposed to be doing Mom? |
Giddy'yup! |
Hm. Did I say I'd post "a few" favorite pictures? Believe it or not, that really was a few. I think I like this little guy. I think I'll keep him around.
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