What can I say? I think I'm in love. This has been a long week, a long sicko Mommy week. I am feeling better-ish, thanks for wondering. (You were wondering, right?) Anyway, now Daddy is sick, even though I tried my darnest to breath my germy ickness anywhere but my boyz direction. But, back to being in love. While I was vegging on the couch because I had no energy to do anything but veg, sleep, and veg, Bugger was *such* a good boy! Totally spent an entire week entertaining himself, and making my days brighter with his ornery loveliness. So yes, I'm head over heels, make silly faces and talk in growly voices, do anything for a laugh, wrapped around his little finger in love.
One day, before the Daddy-got-sick mark, they were playing in his room and Tyler hollered for me to come, specifically to come with the camera. So I came running and, well, see for yourself.
Mommy, your going to have to lower the crib again soon! |
Adding some texture to the wood |
I *LOVE* this face |
I was feeling so cooped up one day that I had to get outside, so I rescued the stroller from the dark depths of my trunk and we ventured boldly into the great outdoors. I think Bugger is a fan. He is
so his father's son!
Mommy insisted on putting these weird things on my feet. |
Hey look! I can still do "this little piggy"! |
His first time riding in the stroller sitting up. I think he liked it. |
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! |
Really, Mom? |
Do you like the sunshine too Mr. Engelbert? |
Uh, little help here Mom? |
Hey, this is weird carpet Mom. |
I think I need a taste. |
I decided to try giving Rayler a bath in the sink. He fell in love the second he realized that he could make a glorious, bubbly mess all over and no one minded at all. There's no mess like a clean mess! And charming it up with baby cuteness totally doesn't hurt either.
He just *had* to taste the bubbles. I wasn't quick enough to catch his wry expression a moment later. |
This is FUN Mom! |
What's this thing Mom? |
Does it go up like this? I know that splashy stuff comes out... |
His new favorite occupation. Standing in my lap, hanging over the back of the couch looking out the window. Honestly, I am lost as to the appeal this has for him, he looks out the back window. At the neighbors thoroughly exciting porch. And a few measly clumps of dead grass. But he loves it. So sit and stare at the neighbors porch we shall, sometimes for 15 minutes on end.
♪I'm dreaming of an Indian summer...♪ |
Every so often a boy must, simply must get himself in a pickle. Bugger has his fair share, and more of pickled situations.
Head, stuck, help, please. |
Gravity? I defy it. |
The Bottomless Pit is in search of hidden snacks. |
And we are having to do a bit more baby-proofing around the house. Not because we have breakables, but because we have a Curious George.
Open...barley. |
...wheat? |
...millet? |
...Come'on! |
Almost...got...it... |
Sesame! That was it. |
Hey Mom? What does M A S H spell? And why are there funny little star thingys in-between the letters? |
One thing that I really wish I could have caught on video, baby got rhythm! I can't remember what we were watching but I was holding his hands so he could stand and when that music started playing, he started boogieing! He was stomping his feet and "jumping", and I was cracking up. If only there were two of me, one to hold his hands and one to hold the camera.
Yesterday (Sunday) Tyler was just so sick and I was just so tired, so Rayler when a'callin' on my Mommy for the afternoon. He apparently had a lovely time and came home with oodles of leaping and boundless energy, which he unleashed on me. There was not a square inch of the front room floor surface that he did not investigate thoroughly, and all within 30 minutes time. And then...he crashed. Excitement suits him.
One more thought before I launch you into the plethora of photographs taken this week, I am constantly discovering (and loving) new things about my little man. The latest was discovered this afternoon. Rayler kept rubbing at his head and whimpering so I absent-mindedly began to scratch his head for him. His reaction was a tiny mirror-image of how his Daddy reacts when I scratch his head. Head back, eyes half closed, and a blissful smile lingering on his completely relaxed face. Again, I think I'm in love.
Trouble? Me? Why no Mom. I'm just...chillin'. |
Frog. En attitude. A photograph by Rayler Hailey. |
Patiently waiting... |
Blueberry face! |
I couldn't resist trying to get a shot of the pouty lip |
Mommy...*huff huff* wiped....*huff huff* my....face! *huff huff* |
Trying out some gymnastics |
He was so tired that he fell asleep mid bite |
I am so in love with the smile I get when he first sees me in the morning!
He takes after me. Moves all over and a lot while sleeping. |
Must...taste...camera...cord.... |
Enough paparazzi please. |
Just lookin' |
So tired that he had to prop himself up to sit. |
And that's about it folks. As soon as I hit "publish" I know I'll think of something else that I forgot to add. That always happens. But, it is now tomorrow and this was supposed to be posted yesterday. So auf wiedersehen, until we meet again.
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