Trying to escape! |
Well, I don't have a lot of good photos for these weeks. To start off with, I sat down last week to blog and somehow managed to delete every single photo and video I had taken that entire week
before I got them onto the computer. I was *so* upset! I had some great stuff, all gone. His first time playing in the snow, gone. Drinking from his big boy non-spill-proof sippy, gone. And lots of fun videos. Anyway, I'll stop complaining before I get upset again. It was just a single weeks worth, I could have lost a lot more.
One um, interesting thing that my son has done in the last two weeks was to hide under the coffee table and suck on the nasal aspirator, business end.
Total gross factor. He is also obsessed with trying to eat/lick my toes. I have a super cute video of him attempting it, much to my chagrin, but it's on my phone and of course, my phone is refusing to sync to my laptop today so I can't post that one. Sorry, I assure you, it's hilarious.
Mr. had a small incident when I went shopping one night. I got home and Tyler said, "Well, Rayler's going to have a little bloody scar." When I checked him I found a tiny blood drop the size of a pin head. He had fallen over backward on his firetruck and hit it just right. Ouchie. The original picture I took was deleted, but I got another so here it is.
You can't even really see it. I had to look really hard just to find it. |
Rayler has officially become a boy. Boy N: a noise with dirt on it. The first part anyway. He likes to bang his big keys on the floor over and over, clanking them together. He also drives his firetruck all over but hasn't figured out the buttons yet, but he knows it makes noise. And he really likes the guitar that Aunt Nette gave him. Another new thing is clicking his tongue. I'll try to get a video of that this week, I've got one on my phone but like I said, phone no cooperado. (I know that's not a word. It just seemed to work at the moment)
Rayler is sleeping through the night again! I am
so excited! Of course, he usually wakes me because he randomly cries out in the middle of the night and I go check on him but he's usually asleep by the time I get there. Every three nights or so he might wake up enough to have a few ounces, but over all I think we're getting back to normal!
One night I was gone and Tyler called me while holding Rayler on his lap. He heard my voice and of course tried to get the phone so Tyler put it on speaker and Rayler actually "talked" to me! It was kinda cute!
Rayler can say "Momma" now. He won't do in on demand though, he just looks at you with a "yeah right" expression.
Mr. is really showing his personality now. And he is a big ball of silly. He stayed at my Moms house on Friday so that Tyler and I could have a Valentine's date night. When we came back to pick him up he had his silly in full swing. Mom has a couch that has two rocking recliners with a console between them and the console has two cup holders. He insisted on climbing onto the console and sticking his face directly into the cup holder. Goofy! Or I guess maybe that was just curiosity. Mom said that he had done that on previous occasions. I tried to get a picture but he was moving too much. Also, just yesterday he started "pretending". He was rolling around the front room (because he *can* crawl, he just finds rolling faster I guess) and fake laughing. And he kept doing it all day today on the ride too KC and at the hospital. He'd be "talking" to his toys and then he'd break out in this silly fake laughter. Too funny! He kept Tyler and I in stitches all day.
Two more firsts from this week, sitting up on his own from laying down and eating puffy baby snacks. Fun stuff! Oh, AND he's beginning to imitate. Tyler was wrestling with him on the floor tonight and they were "tickling" each other. Tyler kept saying "getchy getchy goo!" and Rayler started saying "gee gee goo!" How fun!
Now here are some pictures that I did get from this week.
Peace out, dude! |
He pulled himself up! |
Wrestling with Mr. Engelbert |
My sweet Valentines gift from both my boys! |
Getting curious. Very interested in the under side of his bumbo and the fact that it can roll! |
Of course the toy he wants is at the bottom |
Trying to get out of his swing |
Playing in his "fort" |
He's started taking all the toys out of his toy box and then collapsing the box. |
Peek-a-boo |
Playing with George on the way to KC |
Just found a parking spot in the parking garage, level Yellow Submarine |
Where are we Mom? |
Maybe someday soon, after test results and such I will go into the whole KC bit. For now I'll just say that things are looking up. And I hate waiting for test results. It's not good for the nerves.
And this next week I will make sure that my camera is charged and ready to capture all sorts or cuteness and I won't accidentally delete everything. I'd promise that, but knowing how accident prone I am I just say that I will try *very* hard to newsy, picturey blog next week.
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