Huh? |
What a week! Rayler is full blown teething and those darn teeth are just so stubborn! He has one tooth that's just playing hide-and-seek and it's made this week a little rough. On top of it, he has
another cold. Poor little fella. He is relatively happy as long as I give him Tylenol and Orajel every few hours. And to top that off he's taking the try-something-new idea in all different directions.
We tried a few new finger foods this week. Banana.
...which he threw up after chewing on for a while. I think we'll have to wait a couple of months and try that again. Maybe it was the texture. And then he tried green beans.
He did eat a few but he kept gagging because they stuck to the back of his tongue. I had to fish a few pieces out. I did give him some steamed broccoli and he loved it! That's really great. Broccoli is a great source of iron and he needs that for his anemia.
I also gave him a small graham cracker.
Mr. Rayler is now mobile! He finally figured out how to crawl intentionally. He has been able to crawl for a few weeks, but only when he was meandering around. When he actually wanted to get somewhere he would get frustrated and scoot backward. So now he is into everything! He tries to climb the oscillating fan and he loves to try to chew on the laptop cords when I'm not looking. Since he can go go go, he pulls up on everything now.
Giving his approval for the new coffee table |
Slippery carpet |
His first flower |
What is this Mommy? |
And it promptly went into his mouth |
He *loves* Tootles. He takes him everywhere now. Even to bed. |
This is how I found him at 2:45 one night |
Trying to pick up his backpack |
Curly hair! |
He thinks Tootles is a seat sometimes |
He doesn't really use his binky anymore except when he's chewing on it like this. I think it feels good on his gums. |
Trying to pick up sunshine. |
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