Maybe it gets redundant, my saying "We did lots of new things this week!", but it's always as true as it was the last time I said it. And yes, we did lots of new things this week.
This week was rainy. As in cats and dogs. Rayler and his stuffed animals surveyed the watery landscape from the window daily, watching our little yard disappear under the water until we were marooned on our own little island. We had our brief sunny interludes here and there and during one such half hour I took Bugs out to experience his first puddle splashes. I really would have liked to get some photos, but as he thoroughly enjoyed splashing I needed both hands to keep him from diving head first into the puddles. Those puddles were ice cold! I was sure he'd hate it and start crying but he splashed and splashed...eventually my toes got so cold that they burned and I was sure his had to be hurting too so I made him leave his puddles. Boy, he was
not happy about that. Looks like I've got a water baby on my hands!
We made sugar cookies this week for the Fire Department and for the ladies at my hair salon. I found a marvelous sugar cookie recipe on All Recipes. (I used 3 cups sugar and 2 tsp vanilla and made dough balls which I then pressed with the sugared bottom of a glass) They turned out deliciously chewy on the edges and soft in the middle, exactly what a sugar cookie should be. I let Rayler help me put the sprinkles on the cookies. Let me tell you, I needed three hands for that job. Taking pictures with one hand, helping Bugs shake the sprinkles with the other, and preventing him from getting a handful of raw cookie dough with...? Yeah. He then got to wash his hands in the sink for the first time.
Baking with Chef Rayler |
Rayler got a hunk of this one before baking |
Rayler has had some tummy trouble at nighttime this week. At least, that's what I'm guessing the problem is because when I pick him up out of his crib he burps a lot and is gassy. Poor guy. He goes back to sleep pretty quickly so that's good for him. Not so much for me. I suffered from severe insomnia this week and Tyler ended up letting me sleep in this morning to try to catch up a bit. It was
I was so tired that I fell asleep while Rayler was drinking his bottle |
Using Toodles as a pillow |
Tired after playing hard in nursery today |
Now that Rayler can crawl I guess he think he needs to move right along to standing on his own and walking. He sure thinks he can! He'll pull up on something and then try to let go and transfer to something else. Of course that means he took quite a few spills this week, but he's bound and determined to do it until he gets it right!
He let go just after I snapped this |
Showing off his mad skills for Daddy |
Rayler tried a few new foods this week. Chicken and noodles, baby food style of course. He wasn't sure about the thick texture but he ate it all. And then I gave him some spaghetti noodles. He
loved those! He ate and ate and ate those up!
Um, yum? |
He was making a "nom. nom. nom" noise |
Uh, Mommy? The spaghetti goes in my mouth, not on my chin. |
In an attempt to play peek-a-boo with Bugs this week, I threw a dish towel over his head. He thought it was hilarious, but he didn't play peek-a-boo. Silly boy took off crawling blindly until he ran headfirst into something and then he'd turn and start crawling again until he hit something else. I laughed so hard I cried.
I was in Rayler's bedroom one day changing his sheets when I heard a clinking noise. I peeked out to find Curious George trying to see how many of my keys he could fit in his mouth without choking. Goober.
Can I drive Momma? |
He also tried to help me clean in the kitchen...
I really needed to measure Bugs. I "weighed" him the other day on our home scale and it said 19 lbs. Of course, that's not perfectly reliable, but I bet it's pretty darn close. And he is now comfortably wearing 9-12 month clothes and even some 18-24 month stuff! Here he is in our new favorite pj's, which happen to be 18-24 month.
Robot PJ's! |
A while back Rayler went through a phase where he blew raspberries all the time. Well, he's doing it again. Tyler said that everytime Bugs raspberries he's going to take it as meaning "I love you". That makes me smile!
Here's some more fun from this week!
I found Momma's exercise ball!
He found all of his binkys |
He is obsessed with this urn! I think he likes it because it rolls around, I have got to get him a ball. |
He actually left his sunglasses on for a while! |
Is this eatable Mom? |
Watching the neighbor mow his lawn. |
And, they came off. |
Daddy threw his ball too far out. He doesn't like to crawl on the grass, it's too pokey. |
He's discovered his thumb, but he only chews on it |
Love me some baby toes! |
Resting with Daddy after making a big mess in the front room |
Watching Tangled with Daddy. Tangled is his favorite movie. |
Chilling on Mr. Engelbert |
Daddy let him watch Super Why on YouTube while I slept in this morning. |
He found himself in the tiny mirror on George's hoof. |
You have the perfect combination of pictures and writing! I love reading these! He's so grown up already!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I use the note pad on my phone to keep track of what he's doing throghout the week so that I can just pull it up and have it all there when I'm blogging. Otherwise I'd have a very boring blog because I am so forgetful.