I am going to eat the camera. |
Week 38. I was bad this week and didn't take lots of notes or pictures. That would be these guys fault.
Aren't they too stinkin' cute? |
I was supposed to make these guys for my twin nieces Easter baskets but...I procrastinate like that. No, not really, I actually didn't have stuffing for them until this week. And while I had the sewing machine out I hemmed Tyler's work pants, mended a shirt that I bought at a garage sale, and made 18 quilt block pincushions.
This guy I am keeping all for myself |
That's 85 blocks, it took me ALL day. |
I still need to stuff and add buttons to 17 of them. Then I will be starting my own Etsy shop! I'm so excited. Anyway, this has nothing to do with Rayler, sorry, except he did try push the peddle on the sewing machine several times and he was excellent about finding any threads that I had dropped.
Bugs is getting pretty good at using his pincer grasp. And anything that he picks up is successfully transferred into his mouth. Which is not always the best thing. So I have to vacuum and sweep all the time. He is so funny when I vacuum. I always make sure he can see and knows that I am going to start the vacuum. When I first turn it on he usually crawls as fast as he can to hide behind one of the chairs. But then he crawls right back out and makes a beeline for it. He comes a sits directly in front of the vacuum and tries to catch it as it comes toward him. It takes a few extra minutes to vacuum because I have to keep moving him so I can vacuum where he is sitting.
Bugs has started making this funny choking sound now when he is happy. We went grocery shopping one day and he did it the whole way through Aldi and Wal-Mart. Everyone kept giving me evil looks because they thought I was ignoring my child in distress. I just smiled and laughed at his silliness.
Rayler really likes to taste handles and knobs. And hangers. If I am doing laundry he always finds a misplaced hanger and chews on the hook part.
Chewing on his dresser knobs |
When Tyler goes to work in the morning, Rayler and I wave to him from the front window. I sit Bugs on the back of the couch and we wave and wave until we can't see him anymore. Rayler actually waved all by himself for the first time this week!
So far Rayler is a really good eater. He eats cereal for breakfast and supper, but he has table food the rest of the day. He usually has some of whatever we have when we have supper even if it isn't time for him to eat. Here he is eating beans from the white chicken chili I made this week. I wondered if he would like it because it was a little spicy from salsa verde but he scarfed them down almost as fast as I could get them onto his tray.
And I tried bananas out on him again this week. He liked them much better this time.
Here's some more random fun from this week.
Rayler's bath time mat. It was Marvel comics or Dora. No way were we getting Dora! |
Getting ready to go on a walk |
Look how tall he's getting! He can now get cups off the sofa and kitchen tables. That is how I discovered that he has a bit of a temper. He gets mad if he can't reach what he's going for and starts screaming. *sigh* So now I have to figure out how to address that. Ooo. One day when I was sewing he was trying to peek over the top of the table. After a few failed attempts he gave up and just swung from the table edge. I couldn't believe my eyes, he lifted his feet up and swung from the edge, the kid has some strong arms!
Painting with yogurt |
After 30 minutes of being very sure that he was not tired he finally crashed. |
My little prince, lounging on his cushions... |
He so curious about how things work |