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So this is a pic from last week, I could have kicked myself for forgetting it in my last post. This is my brother's (Uncle Sam) new bike. Crummy pic from an Android, but the cuteness is all there. |
And we are live, in 3, 2, 1...
Bugs has his umpteenth cold. This makes five, or six. I've lost count. Which means baby Vicks and the Dread Pirate Roberts, er, nose sucker thing. I feel like I have to turn off my heart whilst I pin my child down (very gently) and terrorize him by sucking his breath away. I despise the black cloud of guilt that engulfs me when his eyes open wide in horror every time he tries to breath and can't. Hate it, hate it, HATE it. Hate is a strong word. It absolutely applies. But then the cuddling afterward, I think it's more for my comfort than his.
Having a cold means, ♪duhn, duhn, duhn♪ troubles sleeping at night. Not horrible. No completely sleepless nights, or even close, but still. No fun. Naps are a little off kilter. Today was...interesting. I'm not sure what happened there but he ran for a solid 13 1/2, yes thirteen and a half hours, with only a half hour nap from 11 to 11:30 am. This is what that looks like at the 13 hour, 15 min. mark.
I don't understand why I'm so gosh-darned tired Mom! Why aren't you making it all better yet? |
We are getting some vocabs! Bugs will, granted only occasionally, say "Momma". And he attempts "ball", but it comes out "buh, buh". Hey, we're working on it. "Uh-oh" is in the works too, he's got the "uh" part down pat.
My son has some interesting ways of entertaining himself. I was working in the kitchen the other day and I kept hearing a scooting noise.
Due to his cold, or teething, maybe both, Bugs's appetite was little to non-existent this week. He wouldn't tolerate baby food, and he refused most table food with the exception of toast, cheerios, and veggie crackers. He did have scrambled eggs, yolks only, for the first time. He liked it the first time around, but the next time he flat refused it. I ended up with scrambled egg spit all over my shirt. He sure knows how to get the point across.
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Scrambled eggs with cheese! |
Toast, nom nom |
Rayler spent all Saturday morning with Daddy while I went rummage sailing! (I know that is not the correct spelling since it is "rummage sale", not "rummage sail", but you try "rummage saleing" or "rummage saling" and try to get it to look right.) Daddy let him make a glorious mess of the front room and entertain himself with the keyboard app on Dad's phone.
I think he's contemplating whether or not the phone is eatable. |
Yes. I did. I taught my eight month old son to fence. With plastic bowling pins. (A garage sale find) All I have to do is hand him a bowling pin and say "En Garde" and he holds out his "foil" and blinks furiously as if expecting to get hit with one. Which he did, with his own foil. Goober. Not to worry, he didn't get hurt at all.
Bugs can whistle! He doesn't mean to, at least I don't think he means to. Hm. I've noticed it the last couple of weeks. I think he does it when he exhales because he does this funny puckered up mouth bit all the time. So it's not really something that I can catch on video, stink.
I gave birth to a human that thinks he's a fish. He loves bath time and I have to keep an extra vigilant eye on him because he is constantly trying to dunk his face in the water. I feel like a cow poke or a deep sea fisherman most days. Trying to wrangle and catch a roughly 20 lb sopping wet, wriggling human that is intent upon setting an Guinness Book record for number of laps swam in a bathtub. I end up rather drenched myself, toweling off a indignant baby that thinks he should be allowed to eat and sleep and play all day whilst tubbing. Good thing one of us is a big, bad, strong Mommy-person, or Mr.s nickname would be "Pruney".
Notes of interest. Rayler is now walking along things. And he walked flat footed instead of on his tippy toes when I held his hands today. Also, Tyler wonders whether or not he might be left-handed. We are both right-handed, but who knows. I think it's a bit early to tell, he does seem to show a preference lately of the left being his dominant hand. We'll have to wait a couple of years to know for sure. This may just be an infant ambidexterity thing.
Just a few more fun tidbits before you go.
"Say 'ello to my little frin' " |
Awwwww! Kisses |
His jeans are just a wee bit long yet |
He takes his tummy ache medicine fine, but Tylenol is a fight so I let him play with the syringe. Maybe it will be less scary next time. |
Cute little raincoat Aunt Cassie got him. Came in handy during the deluge this week! |
And that's all folks. Until next week.
♪ Good Moms have sticky floors, dirty ovens and happy kids.
♪ Children will not remember you for the material things you provided. But for the feeling that you cherished them. ~Richard L. Evans
♪ A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten and the future worth living for. ~Anonymous
♪ You're never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child. ~Dr. Seuss
♪ Children are often spoiled because no one will spank Grandma.
♪ Good morning, (afternoon or evening) this is God. I will be handling all your problems today. I will not need your help, so have a miraculous day.
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