Happy birthday to me! (Mama) |
Back to the week at hand. "In Which I Shall Tell of Curious George..." He began this week in true Raylerian style. Fast and furious. Acrobatics galore and keeping me in a constant state of wondering where he had disappeared to and for goodness sake! hoping he hadn't injured himself again.
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What?! You mean I'm *not* supposed to climb in every chair I can? |
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Whoa! weeeeeee!!!!! |
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Haha! That was fun! Can I do it again Mama? Pullllleeeeezzzzzz? |
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He will roll or scoot anything that can possible be maneuvered into rolling or scooting |
He was investigating the feet of the ottoman. |
Aauuunnnddd away we go! |
One of Rayler's favorite things to do is open and shut doors. We didn't have a working knob on our bedroom door so Rayler could get in and out as he pleased. And then this happened...
Needless to say, we switched out knobs after that so now we have a working knob. And that was only the beginning of the boo-boos. He scraped up his fingers on one hand when he smashed them in the door. The others he scraped when he tried to see how many fingers he could stick into the floor register in the bathroom at one time. And who knew that the simple art of standing could be so painful? His legs gave out on him one day and he smashed his right eye into the edge of the coffee table.
I really thought that he was going to have a black eye after that but the red spot is already gone and he just has the slightest bit of yellow bruising left now. I'm so glad it wasn't as bad as thought is was going to be.
Bugs is really getting more independent. He can help me when I put his shirts on. I put it over his head and hold it out and he puts his arms through the correct holes all by himself.
Along with the added independence he has begun to let us know that he doesn't appreciate being told "no". He doesn't throw a big fit, sometimes he "cries" a bit, and sometime he wrinkles his nose, throws his head back and lets out a little yowl. Very unconvincing, very naughty, and very funny. I never had been good at hiding my feelings when I want to laugh. And he makes it SO hard to hold a stoic face when he's trying his hardest to be willful.
I know that toddlers are messy eaters, but I never thought that I would be wanting to give Bugs four baths a day because of it!
He LOVES spaghetti-o's! |
So I have developed a system. I keep a clean rag on the kitchen counter and when he's done eating I just plop him on the counter and give him a quick sponge bath. Voile! Dilemma solved.
Rayler is so silly. One day I made him some toast and buttered it since we're back to no peanut butter. I was puttering around the house and when I went to check on him I found one very greasy boy happily licking the butter off the toast. He did eventually eat the toast too, but...he keeps me laughing!
Saturday was my birthday.Tyler had to work, and I had hurt my neck so my plans for a nice dinner that night were canceled. So Tyler and Rayler took me out to Denny's for breakfast on Sunday and then Tyler and I went out to Mi Torios for dinner that night. It was perfect, I didn't have to cook! Yay!
Rayler wasn't too happy about having to wait for his breakfast so the waitress brought him some goldfish crackers |
Yum yum! |
Eating half of Dada's pancake |
In the big, BIG news this week, Rayler has been a walkin' fool this week. The most he's managed has been four steps at a time, but he happily makes the furniture circuit in the front room over and over and....every day. It goes couch, coffee table, recliner, coffee table, rocking chair, and back. With a few side trips up the furniture every once in a while. He's even attempted to start out from the coffee table to get to a toy on the opposite side of the room, but he doesn't get too far. But he just keeps trying. It won't be long now!
Random(er) fun things:
Kiwalski is evil. (punching bag musical penguin) It doesn't matter where in the room I have placed him, I still end up tripping over him every night when I go to lay Rayler down. And of course, Rayler is almost asleep and I trip over Kilwalski and he starts merrily singing away and wakes Rayler up. I think the thing moves on its own. Like he hides and then makes a bee line for my feet when he sees me coming. Not really. But...
Rayler's favorite book is his touch-n-feel firetruck book. The first page "Scratch the firetrucks scratchy metal grill" is his favorite. He makes me scratch it over and over again. When I stop he grabs my hand and puts it back on the page.
Mr. Stingy-with-his-kisses gave me three voluntary kisses on my birthday! Made my day so much better!
He can say "bubble", it just comes out "bambo?". So cute! And yes, the question mark is supposed to be there because he says it questioningly.
Rayler has no fear when it comes to climbing, sitting or standing on anything. Which makes for some heart-stopping acrobatics on the ottomans and window sill.
He is beginning to grasp the concept of chasing and being chased. He chases me around and around the kitchen with his push toy. And if I say "I'm gonna get you!" he'll grin and run away, for a minute. And then he turns around and runs right to me.
Rayler has a funny habit of "singing" while he eats. It's just a monotone hum but it's quite amusing. He's started doing it at night too. If he wakes up in the middle of the night he'll sometimes "sing" himself back to sleep. Which means him humming tunelessly to himself at 3 in the morning for 45 minutes and me wide awake because I can't sleep through that.
Random pictures!
Blurry "bambo" fun at the fd. It was too windy outside so we had to blow them in the bay. |
On a bambo prowl |
Checking out the lights |
He had been hugging Rusty but as soon as I grabbed my camera he let go |
We had to go pick Tyler up from his construction job one day and take him to the FD because they needed emergency help. It was Rayler's nap time and the poor guy just wiped out. |
I gave Rayler some cheerios in a bowl and he dumped them. I guess he thought they needed some milk too because he put his milk jug by them. |
I was trying to get him to put some chocolate chips in the batter but he just sat there looking at me as if I had sprouted horns. |
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