
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Week 40, Those darn teeth

That Dada is just too funny
 Well, this weeks blog is going to be rather lacking in the photo department. I blame it on the teeth Bugs still doesn't have. My bottomless pit went from eating everything in sight to barely taking more than baby cereal and his bottle. His poor little gums are so swollen and red and I can distinctly see his two bottom teeth just beneath the gum line. I'm afraid he's taking after me as far as teeth go. Every night when I put him to bed I pray "Please, please, let his teeth stop hurting him so much and just come in!" And every morning I am woken by a little man that is desperately trying to be brave in spite of being miserable. My little soldier. My whole week was occupied with trying to find something that he could eat comfortably. One day I gave him an apple slice to gnaw on while I was feeding him yogurt. Bugs had other ideas...
His idea. Dip the apple in yogurt. I didn't teach him that.

On a brighter and less painful note, "Dada" has entered and completely taken over Rayler's vocabulary. In the morning he asks for Dada even before I pick him up out of his bed. If we go anywhere in the afternoon he gets excited when I am taking him out of his seat and asks "Dada? Dada?" (Usually when we go somewhere in the afternoon it is a visit to the FD to see Tyler) We garner many smiles when we traipse through the grocery store because of Bugs's non-stop stream of chatter, punctuated by "Dada?"  Momma has left his vocabulary for the time being. But that's ok. I know my name will make a comeback sometime.

Here is a fun video from this week! If I head toward the bathroom and Bugs even suspects that he is about to have a bath,(he has this 6th sense thing going) he zooms in behind me and tries to climb into the tub. I just barely caught it on video, it's at the very beginning here.

Tuesday (5/1/12) was Rayler's ninth monthday! What a blessing the Lord has given to me. I guess you could say I'm "dead gone" on him. Sorry, I've been thinking in "Anne of Green Gables" lately. Not a darn thing wrong with thinking in Anne. Sometimes Anne just makes things better. Not that Rayler needs bettering. Ugh. Where did this paragraph go wrong? Rayler and Anne, neither needs bettering. Maybe I'll start a new paragraph.

Let's begin with photo. One of those that is worth the proverbial "thousand words".
This may be my favorite photo to date. Sometime the un-posed and unintentional photo captures the essence of the subject better than the most planned and thought out photo. A little boy, rescuing his monkey. Oblivious to his Momma and Daddy's desperate (and wacky) attempts to capture his attention and smiles. I love it. It makes my heart smile.

One day, Rayler crawled over to his ball, picked it up and said "b, b, baw". I know. Total brilliance. Never mind that he probably thinks that is is called a "b, b, ball" because that's how I say it to him. So now the dilemma is whether or not to continue stressing the "b, b" or to leave it at "ball". Hmmm....

Rayler has really started playing with his push toy this week. Except he uses it backward. As in he stands in front of it and pushes it backward. I attempted to catch it on video but he got it caught up on the rocking chair.

Here are the rest of the few photos I did catch this week.
He fell asleep while he was chewing on his blanket

Checking the weather outside with Dada

 See how much he has grown?
Just a few minutes old. 6 lbs 15 oz and 19.5 inches long
6 days old. His NICU photos
3 months!
6 months
9 months! 20.3 lbs and 30 inches long
I thank God every single day for this precious little man that he has entrusted to me. Children are such a wonderful gift from the Lord. It amazes me at how tightly their little hands can wrap around and hold onto your heart. On that note, I am going to go stare at my sleeping bundle of joy and thank God for him one more time.

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