I do not want to show you my tooth. I don't. So I shall hide behind this shower curtain until you decide to give me a bath instead. |
Rayler ♪duh duh duh♪ has a tooth!
FINALLY!!!!! but more on that later...
Haha! Be patient, the tooth doesn't come till the end of this week and this story begins at the beginning of the week, so we shall get to the tooth in due time.
We began this week with flying snot bombs, restless nights, fevers and the poor little guy so wiped out that he slept through a trip to Wal-Mart!
That was a chore, carrying all 20+ lbs of sleeping, feverish, sweaty baby while shopping. Thankfully it was a very short shopping list because I was drenched myself by the time we hit the line and in need of chocolate and a nap. But the week has gotten better since then.
Bugs likes to "help" me with the chores around the house.
Unloading the dishwasher |
Now where's that on button? |
I'll get your keys down Mama! |
When I get Rayler up in the morning he goes through the house looking for his Dada. He'll go over and look out the big window, wave and say "Dada, Dada".
As much as Rayler likes to help me with the housework, he also has his moments of creating housework.
So, apparently I forgot to put the goldfish away and he found them. |
You want some Mom? |
I took a shower Mom! |
Toward the end of the week Bugs finally started sleeping through the night again. As wonderful as it is to get an uninterrupted nights sleep again, I'm just so happy that he's feeling good enough to sleep that long.
And now we have arrived at THE TOOTH!
Tyler was on duty Saturday and we went to visit him for a while.
Tyler went out on a call and we played ball to kill time until he got back. |
Aren't they so handsome! |
Dirty feet! |
Dirtier hands! |
For some reason he REALLY did not want to show me his hands.
Before we headed home that night, Tyler felt to see if Bugs's tooth had poked through yet. He said that he could feel it! So when we got home I checked for myself and sure enough, the whole top had broken through. On Sunday I tried to get a picture of it, but Bugs is seriously adverse to having his tooth photographed. This is the best I could do.
You can't fool me Mom. I know what you're trying to do. |
Contemplating what level of difficult he is going to make this. |
This is the best I could do. You can see that his front tooth area on your left is swollen, and if you look really closely you can see a white line on top. That is his tooth. |
Here's some more fun from this week!
He has this thing for climbing in, around and under chairs. |
I guess holding his bottle was just too much work. |
I *finally* got around to re-covering the rocking chair in Rayler's room this week. |
Ready to commit ruffle-cide |
Then I had to tackle these wannabe bad boys |
Fake tufts don't scare me! |
Not bad! If I do say so myself. And I do. |
Third Thursday Artwalk in Joplin. |
Splashing his feet in Spiva fountain |
Display of tornado t-shirts. The dark blue one, third from right, is Tyler's. |
Playing airplane with Dada |
He's finally starting to eat again, just a little bit at a time. |
Waving bye-bye |
Look at that curl!
This video is from earlier this week. He was patiently waiting for me to come get him after he woke up in the morning.
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