I know I'm posting this blog a few days early, but we are going to be away quite a lot for the better part of next week and I wanted to squeeze this in while I have time.
We got a new patio set this week! Actually, it was Tyler's birthday present from his parents. We have been thoroughly enjoying it this week. Rayler likes to sit out with us in his own little lawn chair.
Debating if it is worth crawling on the rough concrete just to get his ball |
He's already a lover of boxes |
Isn't it beautiful? |
Aunt Lynette got Rayler some Miracle Bubbles for Easter and we have had tons of fun with them. I love how long one wandful of bubble solution lasts. Tons of bubbles and not a lot of re-dipping. When we play with them inside Bugs likes to chase them around and get the ones that land on the carpet. Outside, we both like to see how high and how far they go.
This is really just a weird camera shot, not a huge wonky bubble. |
I had to do some shopping on Thursday so Bugs went to visit Grandma Bobbie. I left my camera with them and I found out that Rayler REALLY likes to play with the Noah's Ark set Grandma has. Grandma Bobbie said that she piled all the animals beside Rayler and he went through the pile and tasted every single animal.
Playing with Uncle Thadley |
Having a lion tasting, with zebra next on the menu |
Don't forget to try the giraffe |
The monkey seems to like the slide so Rayler thought he would have a taste |
Scooting the little stool around the kitchen. He really loves to scoot things around. |
Tasting some hi lighters |
Aunt Beth didn't know I was taking her picture. Heehee! She *hates* having her picture taken. |
On the way home we had a bit of an incident. Well, I had a bit of an incident, Rayler was oblivious to what happened and I'm kind of glad. It involved the weirdest and funniest roadkill ever. No, I promise I'm not heartless. If you would like to see how funny it was for yourself, you can check out my post about it here.
After Rayler's tooth finally came in last Saturday, he was able to return to sleeping and eating normally on Monday. I was so happy to have my bottomless pit back! And the uninterrupted nights sleep was pretty nice too. But all that changed again on Friday. I'm not sure what is wrong, hoping it's just another tooth, but he ran a fever all day and night and stopped eating again. Poor little guy would come over to me and pat me on the leg until I picked him up and then he'd just lay back in my lap and be perfectly still for quite a long time. He spent the greater part of the day in my lap, he even fell asleep while I was cradling him once, and I rocked him to sleep several times. I
knew he wasn't feeling good because he
never wants to be cradled or rocked. And when I wasn't holding him he would follow me around whimpering like a little lost puppy dog. And last night was a nightmare. He woke up 6 times between 7:30 and 11:00, and then once every hour after that until he woke up at 6:30 this morning. Today he seemed to be a little better. He was more active, and only ran a very low fever for a hour or so this afternoon. I am praying for a better night tonight too! I really hope that he's back to his old ornery self tomorrow because we (Rayler and I) are headed out of town tomorrow afternoon to join Dada at Great-Grandma Clifford's house at the lake.
I finally got a picture of his tooth! It's not grown in all the way yet, but you can see it. |
He likes to untie shoe laces

I'm sure you're wondering about the sign my son is eating in the picture. I follow a blog called Pitter Patter Art, by a woman named Laura Kelley. She is an artist that does incredible faith based pieces. She is also in the middle of adopting a sweet baby boy from Ethiopia after 18 long months of waiting. May 20th was a day that one of her many international fans had designated to pray for her and her family, the adoption and the wee Kelley that they are so eager to meet. Laura has a cardboard sign that she made 18 months ago at the beginning of their long wait that says "Waiting for you" that she carries everywhere and takes pictures with to show little brother when he gets older. I think it is so sweet, he will know that he was loved so much even before they knew who he was. Anyway, on May 20th we were asked to take a picture of our own homemade "praying for you" signs, and just surround Laura with love and prayer. So that explains why Bugs is snacking on the flap of a Huggies box. Also, this will be news to many of you, but I particularly have a heart for Laura and her long wait, because I too am in the beginning stages of a long wait myself. No, I'm not pregnant, but God has laid it on our hearts to adopt from Ethiopia as well. No, we have not even begun the adoption process yet, we probably won't be for quite some time, a few to several years really. But already I have an overwhelming love for this little someone, someone that may not even be born yet. Every single day I think and pray for him/her. It's absolutely amazing, this huge love that God has given me for them already. I am excited for the future, to give Rayler a sibling. To see our little family grow in such a wonderful way. To take a leap of faith and do what God asks without fear. What a loving Heavenly Father we have.
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